Smart Icicles Poptropica Trivia Night #1

Hello everyone! Ready to start Night #1 of my trivia night. You have a few rules to follow before we begin. A. No cheating because it takes all the fun out of it. B. You only have three guesses which means every time you get 1 wrong, you lose one guess. C. Have fun! Got it? Good! Let’s start.

Question 1. On what island would you find the shredded documents to find the PDC.
Question 2. Which island was Poptropica’s 31st island (Hint: its a milky delight).
Question 3. Where would you find the Tree of Immortality.

Impossible Question: In 2017, a lifetime of headers was found on the PHB, hiw many headers were shown. (Only on this question you get to look at the PHB).

Whoever gets it right will get a shout out on my blog. This is also happening on a Chanel I made in Discord too. (People may be wondering if they would have 6 guesses total, three for my blog, three for Discord if they are on both platforms. No, you only have three guesses. If you lose one on Discord, you still have 2 left on both platforms.) Hope this covers things. I decided that there shall not be a time limit because I don’t like to rush people. So take your time with it. Answers must be submitted within next Thursday.
*after night 1, night 2 won’t start until September (bc I’m going to Shark Tooth Island next Saturday). See you soon, good luck! ~Smart Icicle

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